Staying with China in Battle against Novel Coronavirus

By: DrTaling October 25, 2020

I have heard of viral epidemics such as swine flu (H1N1), Ebola, SARS, MERS, and bird flu (H5N1 and H7N9) before, but during my lifetime from Cameroon to China, I
Possibilities of Setting up an African Study Discipline in Chinese Academia

By: DrTaling October 25, 2020

“African studies” in general could be understood as the study of Africa, especially the continent’s history (Pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial,, ethnicity, culture, politics, economy, languages, religion, etc.  using traditional methodology
Best Runners in the World: A Story of Genes and Cultures

By: DrTaling October 25, 2020

How an ethnic minority that makes up 0.06% of the world’s population came to dominate most of its long-distance races.   Two hours, 31 minutes, and 51 seconds after the
Re-meeting with My Homeland Cameroon: A Country of Wonders

By: DrTaling October 25, 2020

CONTENT OF THIS ARTICLE: (DOWNLOAD THE FULL ARTICLE HERE!!!) 1-Visit at the Confucius Institute of Yaounde 2 (Time) Traveling from Shanghai to Yaounde Meeting with the Yaounde 2 University’s leaders
Brief History & Status-quo of China-Africa Cultural Exchanges

By: DrTaling October 25, 2020

Cultural exchanges are dialogues between minds, communications of sentiments and ties of friendship between people. Cultural exchanges between different countries help to enhance mutual understanding and promote win-win cooperation. In
A Short Appreciation of the China-Africa Extraordinary Summit on COVID-19

By: DrTaling October 25, 2020

On the extraordinary session of China-Africa cooperation under covid-19, the Chinese president Xi Jinping addressed a very comprehensive and concise speech on China-Africa Cooperation and solidarity to the world community
China-Africa Security Cooperation under Covid-19

By: DrTaling October 25, 2020

Speech by Dr. TALING* Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Colleagues, greetings to you all. I am honored to be invited at this double event, namely the <Establishment of the African
FOCAC Summit from an African Perspective

By: DrTaling October 25, 2020

Since its establishment in 2000, The forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) has gradually become a major platform of dialogue and concertation between China and African countries. Following the Challenges of